18 March 2010

新年。。我是怎样过。。part4~the end for my cny........& recently.......

the end for the cny 2010..chu 7, the 7th day of cny..is the bufday of everyone..is ren ri..
then i get another bufday today..haha..tis year..i gt 4 days for my bufday..but i was jus hanging at my hse..
seriously..i duno why..i felt very unsecure with many things..bcus i am too sensitive..o bcus i can see thro' every1..haha..i was jus relaxing for this day..i was EST-ing at my hse..together with my mum..hehe..
.......and here the present list i received since my 1st bufday..hehe..
Specially from Kheng at overseas:
A bufday card..
Specially from Jin Rong:
A photo flame with 2 little fish..
Specially from Zhoong, Csian & Cyee:
14 alphabet "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" by using the RM0.50..and bufday cards..
Specially from Shong and Kyang:
A chocolate cake..
Specially from Marvin:
A 8GB pendrive..
Specially from Angela, Aiai, SiDaJie & Julie:
A combined photo, photo flame and a bufday card..
*p/s : pls la..i am nt auntie la..

I think..the presents are all in the list..^^

if ur present is not included..dun worry..i will post at the next post..haha...

and nw..turn to my life after the cny..i had been be busying for the presentation, assignment..and all the bla bla bla bla..haha..and a midterm exam..so tired..everyday work like a bull..so sienz..and after the break..i will b havin my next midterm exam..and tmr i gt labtest actually..haha..nw..still blogging..omg..and break..i willl be having the business proposal..i tin i will not upload my blog frequently..unless i am nt tired..haha..
today..we had our food testing today..quite ok with everything nw..hope everythings go smoothly..GAMBATEH~~ and for shinhong tmr basketball games..1314Jiayou!!

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