11 July 2010


my lucky num..7~~
my blog had been read by others..for 777 times..haha..thanks to all my readers..
but today is not my lucky day..
i thought my leg will be better after the day interview....but what have happened is..the things become worse..when i woke up this morning..my leg was totally in red and pain..but now better..as i dun walk around much..i still thinking on going to MMU corner tonight with them..but..........i think..the ans now..is NO..i just hope that my leg won't swollen start from now..
my sis..went to city for her 1st time walk..hope she can lead a better life at there..although..the place is nosier, kampung than Muar la..i still hope she fights for her dream car..
#hey stupid bro..faster go to find out where got the nai ji er..^^#

1 comment:

JaN!Ce said...

oh my god... whole world also know i'm in Vietnam now.. =P

Gucci, LV and many branded products you can get here..but..
depends u got money to buy or not.

hey hey.. Nike here is slightly expensive..
if you can provide me picture & shoes size & price in Msia , maybe i can have a look (buy it if cheaper) when i go shopping next time.