21 December 2009

20-12-09..still have 10 days for my 2009~~

the weather..is very cool nw..i suppose shuld be memorising my econs presentation short points nw..but i dun hav the mood..as i jus finish my cookies..which is made by my dear~~
this is the 2nd time she did the baking..last time..i 4gt to take a photo on tat..
let me show u the photo..

nice??haha..my tmr high tea..hehe..
she has a high talent on baking and cooking..unlike me..but she say wan to teach me..i said : if i do the cookies, i think i might make a mess on all things..haha..so i tel someone yesterday..my husband nid to noe hw to cook, so tat he wont die of hungry..haha..
about tis few days staying at mlc..i did a lot of things bside from working on assignment..haha..
wan to start from when le..ok la..start from fri..when i went to watch the princess and the frog..the movie, i like it..the animation..omg..i like it..it is so beautiful......aiai, julie, jingwei and me..but jing wei went to watch avatar..avatar also nice..but i dun hav the chance to watch gua..nid to find sm1 help me to download..^^
jingwei drove us there..u noe wat happen..actually 4 of us nt familiar with the road..and kept on traffic jam..be4 watching the movie,aiai and julie brought a pair of hamsters..they were so cute..1 pair RM30..they brought all the things and forgt the most important things when they are goin to pay..they forgt on the hamsters` foods..hahahaha..(ltr both of them kill me as i am talkin bad on them here..)
if i could have the RM 150 hamster..i love tat 1..it feeds on apple..but........the price i hate it..and i cannt buy also...sad.....>.<.......but i feel satisfied as i still can watch on tat~~
after tat, they went to mlc centre to exchange the ticket..poor aiai, cannt exchange the ticket..bad counter uncle dun wan let her exchange..
then, i went to korean hse to hav my dinner with my lao da..luckily lao da din wait me at ixora..if not i will get shoot by her for whole night..haha..i ordered a pa jiao..they are nice..delicious..but heard that seoul garden 1 is better..lao da send me bek together with my printer..
i was very very tired..so when sat morning,jing wei asked me to hav lunch with her..haha..but i din go as i woke up at 8 am but fall asleep at 11pm until.....2pm i jus wake up..and i ate 2 packet of biscuits and my favourite rocky..and yuki asked me whether night time wan to have dinner together..and i leave jing wei alone again as i promised with yuki 1st..sorry..jingwei..
we went to the pure bar.......left handside..hehe..we were guai guai de..we 2 went to eat the tomyam 火锅和烤肉..we ate for 1 hour..haha..cus i too hungry~~cus the yuki lo..wan tried new roads..we wasted on half hour time on waiting the traffic jam and trying on new roads..
both of us really are big eaters..haha..can eat 1 hour++..we accidentally heard a man (which very niang) and a woman `s conservations..omg..i almost wan die from hearing wat they are talkin..the woman kept on talking to the phone and said: yalah..suddenly i felt sorry that i din bring u cum to eat..sorry la..ok la..we meet ltr, at where??arena a..okok....then after 10 min,she ans another phone call..hello,..is u a..i am eating with my frens lo..u all going to pure bar a..ok a..wat time..ok..see u there....then the man asked her ltr u wan go where??arena o pure bar??she said: i wan go bek home.the man asked again: then wat bout them??
she said: ltr when i arrive home, i will sent a msg to tel them i am nt goin. (i hate tis kind of ppl..cus if we promise wan to go, we jus promising ppl la..if not, jus say i consider o straight deny la..)
we had a full dinner..^-^..and had a `brother` talk..hehe..
wat bout my today??sunday..the weather is very cool..it is a nice weather for sleeping..
i slept until 8.30 am today..maybe earlier..cus i also duno wat time i woke up..jus i noe..i woke up very earlier today..i miss my breakfast on sun morning..duno wat my mum ate for today..zhuikuih??chakuih??caitaokuih??da di`s mee??you zha kuih??i miss tat..but today i dun felt lik to hav my breakfast..maybe ystdy nite ate too many..until today morning still not hungry..after that, i kept on busying with the econs presentation..very tired..julie looked lik noe wat i was talkin bout but also looked lik duno..but i tin her eq + iq so high..i tin she undstnd wat i was talkin de la..after julie turned to angela..another 1 who is half noe half duno..and i had been busying on tis econs until almost 3pm when my lao da called : hav u eat ur lunch??
i said: haven..why??u wan fetch me out??[actually if i said i hvn eat since i wake up until nw, maybe my ear will b sufferring..as high peak of sound will pass thro them..]
then, we went out to have my lunch..erm..breakfast..erm..it shuld b dinner time la..chin chai la..at SR..
i had a lot of foods..i tin u all will be shocked as i ate so many food..i had a bowl of laksa..a blended expresso, 2 small piece of fish and chips from lao da..1/5 of expresso cheese cake, a banana split..altot i dun eat banana..such a big eater..omg..fat le la...........
lao da, i told u le lo..if he see me, sure say i look similar with my mother..hehe..hehe..
i met with someone special today..as i not very lik him..but my sixth sense ringing on him..
1st impression: ok lo..not bad..jus if he can speak slower, maybe ppl lik me who had a heavy ear will not b suffering so much..
oo..i had talked too much..until i 4gt the time..altot i still gt a lot to say..

感情谁也控制不到。。或许现在迷茫, 但下一秒就会恢复之前的自己,不要封闭爱情的道路,因为封闭了,你就会犹豫不决,当你不封闭它时,你就会发现其实是有得选择,还有退路。。并不一定有感觉就要喜欢,喜欢就要爱上,爱上就要在一起,在一起就要永久的承诺,如果是这样,那就没有分手,诚挚的爱,红颜知己。。

你和他是一加一。。 你的感情里该只有你和他。。

*p/s: next time jus attact the photo..tired le..gudnitez~~

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