25 December 2009

Econs Presentation..finally..

i was feeling tired nw..but i feel wan blogging now..haha..^-^
wan start from where o..erm..erm..
ok la..start from ystrdy nite..after chatting with jing..i went bek almost am le..hehe..
i jus slept for 3 hours and woke up for my human, pca, eng cls..8pm..human cls..the 7-11 group, which is Ron and Ahfoong group..they had produced a good video and gt use the movie 2012 when ending..the other group le..omg..it was a silent mode video..we can just only heard the song..sienz..almost fall asleep at that time..9pm..PCA..Mr aiai..gave us a quiz today..he is such a good lecturer..help us to get marks for the quiz..^-^..10.30am..we were released..they went to EP eat..while i..i went bek home to have an hour nap..cus i really tak boleh tahan..12pm..Eng..zZzZZzZZzz..the 3 ppl beside me..aiai, julie and angela..all very tired..cus when the time for doing exercise..they almost use it to sleep..but angela and aiai..only for some moments..and today, i discovered something..the most concentrate in our De10 members..a peng..also fall asleep today a..luckily i gt go bek slept for an hour..if not..i will be the 1st to sleep today..haha..
2 hours lecture past in very very slow slow slow motion..after cuming bek..i prepared for my 5pm Econs presentation..omg..very nervous..as tis is the 1st time tat we presented in front of so many ppl..julie, angela and i were very nervous before the presentation start..bcus we did not present in front of so many ppl during last sem..especially julie..but today she had a good presentation..better than me..and improve a lot comparing to last sem..haha..jus she was too nervous la..GOOD JOB, JULIE!!

Thank for all my team members..Chin mun, Amelia, Angela, Pei qing, Julie..

p/s: cus my hse phone line gt problem..so i update my blog today..



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