05 July 2010


tis post suppose to be post on yesterday nite, but bcus of the slow line of ixora....so i was forced to delay it...
and the other reason i delay is..when i want to post the post jus now..i found that the post..is in a blank..aiseh...=.=''
i would like to recommend a video for u all..it is nice..
and quite touching..(ok la..i noe it is touching..^^)
maybe the storyline is very normal..but the feel and what it had brought to me is really..something real..
what i learnt from this video..not only the noble love from a man towards a woman..but also the love when it is going to end..and the love which is going to be just memory..
# when love is going to end, wherever how tightly you holding, it will also escape from you..although you really hope to hold it for your life..but if it was the time for us to let go, we should not keep it..as if we want to lead happy life..
love is just like a math equation, but what it is different is 1 not equal to 1..#

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