07 November 2010

hey bro..jus for u~~

hey bro..happy bufday..altot i am nt in the muar nw..but my heart still with u..
time flies..1 year pass again..gt any wishes?? [keep in ur heart pls..dun tel me..XD]
let me give u a cake..from secret recipe..i jus can treat u like tat..since i am poor nw..

nice right~~

i had been busy with my stuff at here..hw i wish sumday mmu system can be more lively than other school...
actually..mmu is fine with everytins..jus the system is the main problems..it had made me headache sumtime..i love the environment and the way of study..just what i had is when the lecturer asked me to answer their question..i do not deny i am not good at speaking in english..haiz..actually..it is because i am not a very brave people..haha..^^
tis is the 1st time i spent my public holiday at malacca with my gang..hehe..
i had spent all my time wisely with sleeping..doing homework..eating..watching basketball match and online-ing..
the BBF ques..make me pening for 2hours..but i still fail to do the ques..as the ques was totally different from the way that our 'active' lecturer teach....T^T
i am going to do my BST later..since i am doing my macro nw..
the macro teacher.......T.T..i duno wat he is teaching actually........but the other lecturer also same..there is no much different....so i dun tin if i transfer my cls..there will be sum help with it..
let us GAMBATEH together ba....

1 comment:

JaN!Ce said...

sorry.. i was too busy recently.. until now only i read this..

Thanks a lot...