25 December 2010

it had been so long time i away from here..

it had been so long time i quit from blogging..
basically..my life is ongoing without happening any special occasion
but tonight..is the Christmas Eve..i am having it at Malacca..
I wish I can go to the Portuguese Village for a walk..to see how beautiful is the event is celebrating..
As for this year..i have a different Christmas..I had a celebration with many PM1314 friends yesterday night..
I had many different Christmas presents..
Let start with the party of 1314 that i joined..
the party was indeed a nice party with games and foods..and exchange present..
let me show u some of the picture with my presents that i got for this year..hahahaha..^^
My Christmas Party Present~~
I got the exchange present..and it is from long..

Let me show u another 2 presents which i had received before the Christmas..hehe^^
This is from Solo Q..hahahaha..my eldest son's wife~~

This is what i got it from W3iLing de..a music key chain..^^

I got myself a Christmas present..Actually..i had promised my nya nya to buy..i suppose to buy it long time ago..yet..i kept forgot to buy it..so that day when i went to watch movie with them..i brought this..which i took it as my Christmas present also..nice le..the another cartoon i like it.. (hey bro..when u saw this..dun tel my nya nya that i just brought it..hehe)

I really feel i am a very lucky people that which i got many friends around me to support me..and there are 12 people i would like to say thank you as what you all had been done for me..
(when i was unhappy..without u all..i believe..i won't be able to get through all of this and when i was in trouble..with all of your help..i made it..and thank you for keeping secrets on what crazy thinking i had been done..alikato)
=X Zhang


JaN!Ce said...

waste money again!!!!

jacelyn said...

janice..i waste money but..i..gt use them..u le~~