15 January 2011

wat i had been done at the start of the new year..

when i arrived muar..as i had been so long time din went bek..i gt lots of presents from my aunties and uncles who were jus bek from the china..
box?? nono..

surprise..it is a mirror~~
gt my name there~~ o..so nice~~ mmy buy tis..

2nd aunt buy de..

keychain from 3rd aunt~~

EVAN..xiaob~~so cute~~hahahaha

tis few days..my hand..haiz~~
a lot of tins cannt be eat..sour..spicy..cold..
all cannt b eat de..
so xin ku..i cannt eat..
today..long, shin, burger, ahbi and solo cum to muar to treat burger's leg..and we had an enjoyable day to eat..
we went to tan chi jie..eat wan tan mee..i ate pisang goreng..then go to rou gan shop..
we also went to tanjong ate rojak..
after that, the weather was not tat nice..
we went to pasar malam a while only..
the last station..is my hse..mmy was at outside..haha..if she saw all of them..she sure shocked as like nya also..
but we dun take any photo..but anyway..it was a nice day~~ haha~~
i am very happy today..since so many days..din meet..^^

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