23 March 2011


lol.......i was wondering how long i din update my english blog..since when??last month?last year?
i also not so sure with it..
i am busy with the assignment..which make me feel very giddy and stressed sumtime..
maybe those who same group with me will feel also very stressed sumtime..cus i am nt tat.....clever as wat u tin....tis is a short sem..so we nid to rush everything before our break..
still gt another 2 case studies report haven't completed..maybe i will do it during tis weekend..if possible..hope to finish it..so tat when sku reopen,which is week 5..we can finish all the presentation things..but how to complete with it..as only leave so less days..........so duno..hope to complete the interview question also..b4 week 4 also..
lol..the stupid system..ask us to complete so many tins at once..
but it's ok with me..as i am doing it together with all my frens..lets GAMBATEH~~

a friend is important to me..no matter how good we are, how far we are, we are still the friend.. 
i might be able to make u feel i not care at all..but sometimes, actually, i care..i just don't to tel u..
i might be able to make u feel i not realize at all..but sometimes, actually, i realize..i just don't to speak it out..
i might be able to make u feel i am a noob..but actually, i am not..i just don't want to make you feel trouble..
i might be able to make u feel i am a  fool..but actually, i am not..i just don't want to make you feel stressed.. 

it sounds silly to u after reading tis..but i am who i am..tis is who i am..i am someone who u know, and willing to do such things for you..if u are my friend..to me..a promise doesn't really make us feel the important..because sometimes..someone doesn't really want to break the promise but accidentally break it..and this will makes you sad over it....
i agree with someone who tel me..i dun simply promise if i am not sure with it..

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