12 April 2011

let the time wash it..

just finish blogging at there..time for english blog..
this is an open blog for everyone to know how was my passing time or my new life..
but today..i had been feeling sad and disappointed..or feeling low for works also..
wherever how hard are the lives..we should make myself to stand up again..

#she told me..this is what we called life..dun ever go to force sumtg..that not suppose to be urs..
he told me..let the time waste it..a phrase that made me really really delight me a lot..
she told me..why don`t you go to make this thing clear?maybe this is a misunderstood that you do your decision so easy.. doesn`t?
she told me..be forgetful is not mean to be put it down..u still got us..
he told me..be strong and be happy..be yourself..#

many he and she? haha..you are the one i said if you are looking at this now..
but what i can said is:
when the time wanna past..you cant stop it..but what you can do..is to cherish the time..
i had been learn to be different..learn to accept all the things..but not running away..it is because..i dun wanna to be the tortoise again..i wan to grow up..i wan to know how far i can do it..

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