06 May 2011

mmu system..

mmy system....a NICE system that all the mmu system need to be faced by all the students..
DxMN stupid..as a lady..i should not b speaking rude words..but.......>.<
really zZz..i hate it..
when mmu system gt problems.. what u can see is..
is.......FACEBOOK also gt problems...................
do u see tis..?all the people are protesting!!!!!!!
and..i am one of the protester.......hahahahahahaha..

i am in the holiday nw.......time for limteh-ing..
but i am available from mon to sat afternoon..
now..i start to arrange for the session..but it seem like there is a  problem as the first meeting with old skumates, sotong and jidiao..but it really make us speechless..since the weather kept changing..
so sad to see so..as i cant meet with all of them..but we are arranging for another meet up for tonite at mori..
hope it din cancel at last.......^^

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