19 May 2011

holiday-ing part 2..

a very long and damn relax holidays for me..
just staying at home..watching movie, playing games, eat this and that, doing some typing jobs..and sometimes go to shopping with my mum and aunt..this is what i had been doing for this holidays..
maybe i should go for a trip, doesn't it?since i am having such long holiday..not wasting my time staying at home..ya..i should be..but i couldn't afford for the place that i want to go..that's why i rather stay at home..
there is the good and bad that staying at home for less outgoing..haha..
the bad is..there might be a lot of people saying that why you always stay at home? 
why don't you go to work? 
why don't you go to learn how to drive car?
why don't you go out with your friends?
a lot of WHY will come out at this moments..
and sometimes..actually, i also feel lazy to go out..
and i don't have much dates also..as i am not a beauty like other girls..^^
what about the good?haha..
i can only say..there are more good than bad..
because..in this holidays, 
i make the breakfast..

i cooked the fried rice as dinner..
i helped my mum to cook curry also..
i am not that good at cooking..
i am trying my best..to learn..
there is nothing that could make you fell down as long as you want to learn..be brave to meet all the difficulty..

but in this holiday..
the most disappointed tin is..i do not get the favorite cola-cola can in the Macdonald..

i thought on collecting all the color..but now..i less the blue color..>.<
this is the pink color that i got for last week..

i wan to comment on the Macdonald in Muar..it was damn lousy..lao ya..lao ya..
they said that..the next week got the purple color can, but at that moment..it was going to sell the blue color can, since the waitress said like that, so i intend to buy both color set at the same time for the coming week..but when i went to the Macdonald......
another waitress said...OUT OF STOCK..
very very angry angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yerrrrrr.......>.<
both color no.....no......no.....no......T^T

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