28 October 2011

a short blogging at sku lab~~

the place i am staying now is the university penta lab..
wat i could i say is i am nt happy with the mmu system..
haiz..just want to add on one subject but make me walk from the FBLR to FOSEE.
from FOSEE to STAD, then i went to ERU again..
i would really like to shout it out loudly..could u all make my life simple..why don't u tel me that i could no need to walk so many places, just get the signature from the lecturer and get on to the FBLR to register the subject and send the yellow form to the ERU..suck..
well..forget this..i don't want to talk so much on such tins..

yesterday nite, i went out to limteh with my the other 3 hsemt..we yamcha til almost 3am..
we talked lots on different kinds of topics..
tis make me feel sumtg amazing which is..
a good fren is the one who will acc u when u are alone..
i really need such frens..do not ever tin on giv me up when i am feeling down..
especially 2 people..that i would like to say:
with u there..i really happy and i am willing to share all the things with u..
not for once..but for the whole life..
well, who are they..
i would like to keep it as a secret..
but i think..they will know it when they saw this..

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