13 December 2009

Fall for you..

wondering why i lik this song so much??
actually..i heard this song accidentally..from aiai..i heard this song accidentally..
and after that, in angela`s audition, i heard again..

i duno why i like this song lyrics..maybe..maybe..
tis time..in the end,i still chose to give up..bcus..i am a corward..and
i duwan to make him feel i am a burden to him..
he is the only guy i gt the feel after so much things happen..but in the end..i still choose to give up..
as i am not so ready to the love..and the most important tin is i duno hw he feel towards me..
..i duno why..i gt a feeling which is similar before..
i also duno why tis kind of feeling appear again..i afraid..cus tis feeling will make me feel rash..i duno why i gt special feel on tis guy..he is normal..normal lik every guy..

7 years ago..i met 2 different stories tat change my life~
they..affect me a lot..i could jus gt good feel towards a man, but those feeling..i noe it wont last for a long time..except for the guy i really wan to date..
1st..a perfect man in all kinds of aspect..except the temper..but still lose to me if i lose my temper..haha..cus i had a bad temper..althought at last, we gave up each other, but we cherished on the memories tat we shared together..2nd..mature,consideration,gentleman.......but both of us...just can be say..we are from different world..we are totally different world..my love to him is a burden....
tis is the 1st time i write bout my love..my story..
Because of tonite..i will fall for you..but at the same time, i also give up on you~~ 

Here the lyrics of..Fall For You..
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find


~*c2p-A|Ai*~ღ said...

Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
wakaka~~tis song nice le~~

jacelyn said...

of cus la..u introduce de ma..there is another song la..but i forgt wat the name..