24 January 2010

hOliDay~~here i cum~~

today is the 2nd day of my holiday..altot we jus have 1 week..........
so unfair..if compare to them..aiseh..but nvm la..who ask us so unlucky..meet such 'critical' time..
lets talk bout wat i am goin to do the only week..
erm..erm.....limteh..clean hse..cut hair..buy clothes..........omg..so many tins to do.................>.<
tmr(sun)..morning go to cut my hair..afternoon clean my hse..mon..nite time limteh..still wondering gt go to kl o nt..if gt..maybe nid to shift my limteh time to sun nite..aiyo..then csian will scold de le..
actually..i wan to limteh at fri nite..but then i remember u all gt tuition..so i move to thurs..but then..zhoong say she gt tt..ok lo..move again..tues..but i consider ur transport problem..so move again..then move move move move..until i duno wan when..tat is the reason i din tel u the date, time and venue..=.=
nt i duwan jio u all out la..for u 2 information..........if i nid to go kl..maybe..really nid to move the time again..haha.....^^
*p/s: i duwan cum out  during day time..very hot le..i tak boleh tahan..cus i will lik after bathing..
tues..another date with my taiwan fren~candy..she had cum bek last week..but i was having exam..so din go out yamcha..
wednes..no yamcha..but maybe will go shopping with my mama..thurs..?? i leave it for my gang..Group Fraternity..but duno yet..still in planning..i tin i all had been missing..for almost 7 months..haha..12 ppl a gang..yeereen, esther, melissa, poh ye, chan, yeeying,yi wen, kheng, qiu yue,geokcher,vivian..really..mis u all..and mis the time we all owez gather at the pondok there..and when raining heavily..we all still nid to find other place to gather..^^
fri..with Group 17..yy,syee,sotong,a bei, ngee,shao wei, and my honey~enning..
sat nite..maybe reserved for shong..my mlc lover..haha..he is goin to bufday..maybe jus hav a small celebration for him..yaya..i would lik to thank him as he willing to acc for my econs..as i gt lots of duno a nd ask him b4 exam..it was bout 3 am..we discussed until 4.30am..he was just cuming bek from studying..hey guy..i really duno why i din fall in love with u..haha..u are really a nice man..u really.........make me speechless..altot sometime i really wan to K you..if minus and plus all the good and bad..u still in the list of good man~~
yesterday..specially thanks to qian qi for organising such a perfect party for jiamin..thankyou~~

time flies..a year had gone..as new year cum..i am goin to old..haha..
wishes for new year..haha..i will tel u ltr..very very simple tins for u all..haha..
tired le..wan to sleep le..nitez~~