30 August 2011

holiday mission 1~~

my holiday..nt yet start..but nw, i am having one week time to b at muar..but only available on morning or afternoon..and if for nite..i am available on thurs and fri only..i am missing every fren nw..but every holiday that i have is totally different from them..haiz..sienz..
let me start with my 1st mission at the start of the holiday..
but .......
firstly, i need to say..i am sorry that i was unable to attend the gathering that hold by yongmay and kheng..i am truly sorry but if in my real schedule..i suppose to be at mlc not in muar for tis week and next week..but bcus of the raya, i am bek to muar..if u both see tis, i hope u all dun mind..

and as i was only present to the bbQ nite at raymond's house with my 1314 sohai gang..who they are cuming to muar for 3 days 2 nights..
(P/S: the photo are not tat ready..but i can only show one or two pictures for the preparation of the foods~~)
Raymond driving..
The 1st time sat at Raymond's car..
secretly took tis photo at the behind of the car..
he is driving rat, shin and me went to eat cha kuey diao and brought all the things that we nid for that nite~~
Let me show you another photo when we were preparing the foods..
the best man in our gang..with Ray's mum at the kitchen..

Rat..was helping to cut all the foods....

Specially for 38 z(_)(_) po,
pls see how ur man was doing the job..
i, who is a ger, also very shameful on tat.....i am watching at him and took photo on tat~~
=.='''''' you are really blissful, babe~~

i am truly have a fun time with u all, maybe i was too stressful for a few days with those assignment..
waiting for jenny to upload all the photos..^^
time for sleep..as i am sleepy now..

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